Stay Connected with BCS

We are enhancing our communications to serve you better!

In today’s fast-paced world, Bethany understands our families often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of communications bombarding them on a daily basis. The emails, text messages, newsletters, social media, updates, and more all demanding attention and action can become a real challenge for families to keep up. In our attempt to help streamline our communications with our families, we have created a communication plan that gives you relevant, brief, and on demand content in a predictable and timely manner.

Here are the predictable ways we will communicate with you:

Bruin Weekly

The Bruin Weekly is a now online and updated daily. that is individualized for the lower school, middle school, and upper school that goes out Friday mornings. In the email you will find a highlight from the week, upcoming dates, a note from the principal, as well as any important information you are going to need to know about upcoming events, testing, and more.

And as always, like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for the most current content. We're so glad you're here!


The KIT, Keeping In Touch, newsletter is emailed to you every other Thursday afternoon. These have communications related to the entire Bethany community. Information about re-enrollment, cafeteria updates, upcoming events, all school news, and more. Urgent communications will be communicated as needed.

To help the Bethany community as a whole and parents of all grade levels, we decided to separate one calendar into two. All events are still available, but you may need to resubscribe.

Website calendar

To view calendar events online, select Calendar at the top of this page.

When you are on the calendar page, have a look at the right side of the screen. By default, below the monthly calendar, both Academics and Athletics should be checked. From there, it is up to you—select Academic, Athletics, or both.

BCS calendar subscribing

Subscribing to the calendar

If you would like to sync the calendar to your own devices, select which calendar you want, then choose the 'Subscribe' link above the monthly calendar. When it is shared with your device, it would likely be named as 'Bethany Christian Schools -Academics OR Athletics OR Custom Calendar'.

We hope that this is helpful for you. You are welcome to send an email to [email protected] if you have any issues or questions.