Young Instrumental Concert
Enjoy performances start at 6:30pm on Tuesday, January 14!
You can find important information on this hub, including resources, contact information, recent news, calendar events and more.
Calendar adjustment
To help the Bethany community as a whole and parents of all grade levels, we decided to separate one calendar into two. All events are still available, but you may need to resubscribe.
Website calendar
To view calendar events online, select Calendar at the top of this page.
When you are on the calendar page, have a look at the right side of the screen. By default, below the monthly calendar, both Academics and Athletics should be checked. From there, it is up to you—select Academic, Athletics, or both.
Subscribing to the calendar
If you would like to sync the calendar to your own devices, select which calendar you want, then choose the 'Subscribe' link above the monthly calendar. When it is shared with your device, it would likely be named as 'Bethany Christian Schools -Academics' OR 'Athletics' OR 'Custom Calendar'.
We hope that this is helpful for you. You are welcome to send an email to [email protected] if you have any issues or questions.
Semester 1 classes wrap-up at the end of this week!
Young Instrumental Concert
Best wishes to musicians performing concerts tonight in the chapel: Beginning Instruments at 6:30 and middle school instruments at 7:30. Call time for 5th graders is 6:00; call time for middle school students is 7:00. Wear your concert attire.
Roller Skate Family Night
PTO invites all BCS families to join us for an all school roller skating party Thursday, January 16 from 6-8pm at Jarissa’s Fun Zone in Bristol. Cost of admission is $3 per person; skate rental is included but concessions, laser tag, and arcade are additional. Let’s skate!
Sports Card Club
The afterschool sports card club plans to meet most Wednesdays from 3:45 to 4:15 beginning in two weeks: Jan. 22. The club is open to any interested student in grades 6-12. For more information talk to Mr. Willems.
Chess Club
Chess Club will meet and continue to meet each Tuesday 3:30-4:30 for all students on a tournament chess team.
Previous and General Announcements
BCS eLearning Day Expectations/Reminders
With winter weather again approaching, we wanted to send some reminders about days off and our eLearning Day expectations. Delay and cancellation information is available online.
We adhere to state guidelines and expectations relating to eLearning days. State guidelines allow for three asynchronous eLearning days where work can simply be posted, but no student/teacher interaction must occur. While we may utilize these asynchronous eLearning days for specific reasons, our normal eLearning day will involve teachers and students interacting and/or meeting virtually during the normal class schedule time. The following guidelines will be followed to help ensure a productive eLearning day:
While in person learning is always best, we are well positioned to offer a valuable eLearning day experience. We appreciate your efforts to help make learning continue when we are forced to cancel school.
Our Lower School teachers maintain a Google Site to share classroom updates and photos, keeping you connected with what’s happening in your child’s class. These sites are refreshed every Friday morning and are accessible We encourage you to check in each Friday to stay informed and enjoy a peek into your child's week!
Class Newsletters (updated weekly by faculty) | |
Kindergarten | 4th Grade |
1st Grade | 5th Grade |
2nd Grade | 6th Grade |
3rd Grade |
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
The Imagination Library reaches children from birth to age five with FREE, age-appropriate books and supplementary learning activities each month. Through the Imagination Library, children receive their own books mailed directly to them at home. The Imagination Library is available, for free, to every family in Elkhart, LaGrange, and Noble County with children under five years of age.
After School Math Study Table
Continuing each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Math Study Table is open to all Math 7, Math 8, and Algebra 1 students. Study table will be held in room 112 (Mr. Mast’s room) from 3:35-4:15. This is a great place for students to receive individualized assistance on assignments and test preparation.
At the Plymouth speech tournament on Saturday, Sofia Johar took 11th in prose interpretation. Elena Unzicker earned her third NFL degree, Excellence.
Bethany makes it possible for our students to travel and study abroad through the exchange program in Asunción Paraguay with Colegio Alemán Concordia a private K-12 Mennonite school founded in 1975 by German-speaking Mennonites, where classes are taught in German and Spanish. As a part of the exchange, two students from Bethany study in Paraguay during the Fall semester and we reciprocate the experience hosting two students from Paraguay during the Spring semester. The experiences that students on both ends acquire are enormous, and we are ready to start the selection process for the two students who will participate in the exchange program for the 2025 -2026 school year exchange. Learn about this opportunity and the application process.
After School Math Study Table
Continuing each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Math Study Table is open to all Math 7, Math 8, and Algebra 1 students. Study table will be held in room 112 (Mr. Mast’s room) from 3:35-4:15. This is a great place for students to receive individualized assistance on assignments and test preparation.
Tonight's varsity girls basketball team vs Career Academy has been postponed due to the weather. It is rescheduled for Thursday, January 23, at 7:30pm. The game will be played at Success Academy (3408 Ardmore Trail, South Bend—enter at Door C).