Back to School 2024-25

Greetings from Bethany!
The 2024-2025 school year brings many positive changes, including the opening of the Lower School (LS) wing, welcoming our first kindergarten class, sixth grade becoming part of the Middle School (MS), and high school students having more electives to choose from. As always, Bethany will offer students meaningful experiences that will strengthen and challenge them.
Continue to check this page for updated back-to-school information for the 2024-25 school year. But here are a few dates to be aware of:
- Families new to Bethany should plan to attend the New Family Orientation on Thursday, August 8 from 7:00-8:00pm. Come to learn about Athletics, Cafeteria, PTO, Music, Technology, as well as complete important school forms and follow up about financial questions.
- The entire Bethany community will gather for Back to School Night on Monday, August 12, from 7:00-8:00pm. Students in grades K-6 are encouraged to bring school supplies. There you will have an opportunity to hear about some exciting school changes, meet faculty and staff, visit classrooms and reconnect with friends.
Schedules for high school students will be emailed to their Bethany email addresses. If you have questions or want to make changes, contact school counselor Krysten Parson (KP), or call the office for an appointment. Middle School students will receive their schedules on the first day of classes.
Please be in touch as needed. Continue to rest, be safe, and healthy over summer break. See you on Wednesday morning, August 14, between 7:45 and 8:30am!
Juanita Hershberger, Lower School Principal
Hank Willems, Upper School Principal