State Department Issues Reward

In December, Anthony Blinken U.S. Secretary of State issued a press release announcing a reward of $5 million for information leading to the arrest of four individuals linked with the murder of Michael J Sharp (‘01). 

Michael ‘MJ’ Sharp worked as a humanitarian and peacekeeper in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2017, while working with the United Nations as an expert on armed groups, he and another UN colleague were abducted and killed while investigating violence in the central region of the country. 

Marshall King, author of Disarmed: The Radical Life and Legacy of Michael “MJ” Sharp, said in a radio interview, “I don’t think I ever expected that I would see a press release from the Secretary of State offering a reward in MJ’s death,” King said. “For us to get to this point is remarkable.”

A few years ago, John Sharp, MJ’s father, provided a quote from one of his college students a week after learning of his death. “Justice will be done when we step into MJ’s place to continue his work of reconciliation wherever we are.” 

Let the voice of peace be our guide.
