Homecoming Spirit Week

Homecoming Spirit Week

This week the high school’s Student Government Association (SGA) will be sponsoring Spirit Week, which leads up to Homecoming Weekend (Sept. 13–14). Following are the daily dress-up themes—the grade that has the most participation will win a prize at the end of the week:

  • Monday: Jersey Day
  • Tuesday: Character Day
  • Wednesday: Grades K-8 - Dress Like a Teacher, Grades 9-12 - Senior Citizen (12), Middle Age (11), Elementary (10), Infant (9)
  • Thursday: Color Wars (K Green, 1 Red, 2 Orange, 3 Purple, 4 Yellow, 5 Pink, 6 Brown, 7 Pink, 8 Orange, 9 Yellow, 10 Purple, 11 Green, 12 Red)
  • Friday: Bruin Spirit Wear
  • Saturday: Homecoming Dance (grades 9–12), this also will be figured into the class challenge


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